Summer Beauty Bouquet (6 total)


Beautifully selected blooms for your summer delight from right here at Lazy Toad Farm. You’ll receive 6 freshly cut bouquets to brighten up your home or gift to friends.

  • June 21

  • July 5, 19

  • August 2, 16, 30

Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a farm-business model where customers invest in a farm early in the season, when we have lots of expenses for seeds and materials for spring. You are making an investment in Lazy Toad Farm, the community, and local commerce. For that, we are grateful!

Flower bouquets from local growers, opposed to the grocery or big box store, have a small carbon footprint, are more unique, and in our case are virtually pesticide and herbicide free. Locally grown flowers are often much higher quality just by virtue of you receiving them at their freshest, often within 24 hours of being cut, rather than shipped from overseas.

What can I expect?

Seasonal cut flower bouquet available for pickup the second and fourth weekend of each month at the farm. We will communicate via email in early June to confirm dates and pickup information. Dates listed are weather dependent. If you cannot make it to your pick up date, we suggest sending a friend or neighbor. No substitutions or refunds for missed pickups.

All bouquets are freshly cut and designed by us with approximately 20 stems of whatever is looking best including beautiful flowers and foliage.

Bouquets come wrapped in kraft paper and are vase ready. They should be placed in water as soon as possible after pickup. Changing the water daily and keeping them out of direct hot sun helps them last longer.

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Beautifully selected blooms for your summer delight from right here at Lazy Toad Farm. You’ll receive 6 freshly cut bouquets to brighten up your home or gift to friends.

  • June 21

  • July 5, 19

  • August 2, 16, 30

Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a farm-business model where customers invest in a farm early in the season, when we have lots of expenses for seeds and materials for spring. You are making an investment in Lazy Toad Farm, the community, and local commerce. For that, we are grateful!

Flower bouquets from local growers, opposed to the grocery or big box store, have a small carbon footprint, are more unique, and in our case are virtually pesticide and herbicide free. Locally grown flowers are often much higher quality just by virtue of you receiving them at their freshest, often within 24 hours of being cut, rather than shipped from overseas.

What can I expect?

Seasonal cut flower bouquet available for pickup the second and fourth weekend of each month at the farm. We will communicate via email in early June to confirm dates and pickup information. Dates listed are weather dependent. If you cannot make it to your pick up date, we suggest sending a friend or neighbor. No substitutions or refunds for missed pickups.

All bouquets are freshly cut and designed by us with approximately 20 stems of whatever is looking best including beautiful flowers and foliage.

Bouquets come wrapped in kraft paper and are vase ready. They should be placed in water as soon as possible after pickup. Changing the water daily and keeping them out of direct hot sun helps them last longer.

Beautifully selected blooms for your summer delight from right here at Lazy Toad Farm. You’ll receive 6 freshly cut bouquets to brighten up your home or gift to friends.

  • June 21

  • July 5, 19

  • August 2, 16, 30

Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a farm-business model where customers invest in a farm early in the season, when we have lots of expenses for seeds and materials for spring. You are making an investment in Lazy Toad Farm, the community, and local commerce. For that, we are grateful!

Flower bouquets from local growers, opposed to the grocery or big box store, have a small carbon footprint, are more unique, and in our case are virtually pesticide and herbicide free. Locally grown flowers are often much higher quality just by virtue of you receiving them at their freshest, often within 24 hours of being cut, rather than shipped from overseas.

What can I expect?

Seasonal cut flower bouquet available for pickup the second and fourth weekend of each month at the farm. We will communicate via email in early June to confirm dates and pickup information. Dates listed are weather dependent. If you cannot make it to your pick up date, we suggest sending a friend or neighbor. No substitutions or refunds for missed pickups.

All bouquets are freshly cut and designed by us with approximately 20 stems of whatever is looking best including beautiful flowers and foliage.

Bouquets come wrapped in kraft paper and are vase ready. They should be placed in water as soon as possible after pickup. Changing the water daily and keeping them out of direct hot sun helps them last longer.

Custom Bouquet Order
Spring Delight Bouquet Subscription (3 total)
Fall Glory Bouquet Subscription (4 total)
Seasonal Splendor Bouquet Subscription (13 total)